The Plain Janes

Book:  The Plain Janes (Book Link)
Author: Cecil Castellucci (Author Link)
Illustrator: Jim Rugg (Illustrator Link)
Publisher: Minx Publishing
Date of Publication: 2007
Genre: Graphic Novel, Diverse Protagonists, Informational Text, Middle School Readers
Lexile Score: Unavailable - Intended for ages 12-15
Citation:  Castellucci, C. (2007). Plain Janes. New York, NY: Minx Publishing.

Summary: In this book the main character Jane transfers to a new school away from her 'perfect' life, and she thinks that her life is now over and there is no way that she will ever make friends or be 'cool' again.  However she sits at the table of misfits and ends up fitting in perfectly with them.  They end up starting an artsy gang and start to paint the town.  By going around they vandalizing the town in a sense they end up getting into some trouble.  However she finds a way to find into her new town via art, and ends up making friends along the way. 

Audience:  I would say this book would be targeted at grades fifth through eighth.  The book has a strong message of trying to fit in.  In these grades everyone is trying to find their own niche and might feel like they don't fit in.  The book shows how Jane comes out on top, and in the end is able to find who she fits in with.  This might be encouraging to the readers to let them know that there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

Evaluation:  I think this has many features that make it a high quality graphic novel.  The images really help the book as it progresses.  The characters go through some difficult times and the art work helps the reader feel what they are feeling.  The illustrator also incorporates quotes throughout the images which help enhance the reading as well.  

Activity:  Have the students write a story about a difficult experience that they had gone through and how they got through it.  You can have them write what individuals helped them through those situations and if they had a creative outlet which helped them through.


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