David va al colegio

Book:  David va al colegio (Book Link)
Author: David Shannon (Author Link)
Illustrator: David Shannon (Illustrator Link)
Publisher: Scholastic Publishing
Date of Publication: 1999
Genre: Picture Book, Diverse Protagonists, Bilingual 
Lexile Score: BR
Citation:  Shannon, D. (1999). David va al colegio / David goes to school. New York, NY: Scholastic.

Summary:  In this story David goes to school and causes a lot of problems.  As he goes through the book he has a lot to learn about school rules.  In the beginning of the story he runs wild, and doesn't know how to interact with other students.  He would cut them in line, chew gum loudly, shout out in class, and make big messes.  However after being yelled at multiple times and instructed what to do he was able to make some changes.  He ended up having to clean up after himself and eventually the teacher was happy with him.  He ended up getting a gold start by the end of the day. 

Audience:  This book is targeted at the age range of kindergarten through first grade.  This book is not written in both English and Spanish, only in Spanish.  Therefore the students reading them would have to be fluent in Spanish, or in an ESL setting.  Overall the book shows many examples of how a student wouldn't be following the rules.  Therefore I think it would be a good book to read in the beginning of the year.  It would be a good introductory lesson on what rules the students will have to follow in their classroom. 

Evaluation:  I could consider this a high quality picture book.  The theme of this book is learning new things, and it would be a great addition to a classroom.  When reading through the book with children it would be helpful to point out key words and showcase their importance.  It would also be good to point out the connections the students could make for things David was doing to how they act in the classroom.  This way they can see that how David was acting throughout the story is not how he should be acting.  The words are also small, and the short sentences make it easy for younger grades to understand. 

Classroom Concept Map:  This activity could be done as an activity to introduce new rules.  The teacher or parent could draw a concept map on the board or piece of paper.  Then relate rules that David would've needed to learn in the story to their real lives.  For example they could write rules from the story such as clean up after yourself, be kind to others, walk in a line, and don't draw on furniture.  It could then be hung up to reference throughout the rest of the year. 


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